Anwar Ibrahim |
- In The Global Eye, Najib Throws The Buck To Police: Emergency Rule Possible
- Dimana Akta Yang Melarang Rakyat Memakai Baju Kuning?
- BERSIH: Tentukan Laluan Ke Istana, Kita Akan Patuhi
- Kredibiliti SPR: Wan Ahmad Harus Meletakkan Jawatan
- Bersih 2.0: First Time Kot..
- Press Release: Democratic Rights – Protect And Promote, Not Stifle, Them
In The Global Eye, Najib Throws The Buck To Police: Emergency Rule Possible Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:10 PM PDT As expected, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has passed the buck to the police, saying it was up to them to impose Emergency rule as they see fit. With the global spotlight intensifying on the way he was handling a citizens’ march calling for free and fair election, the 58-year career politician appeared to have buckled to pressure from right-wing factions within his UMNO party. However, pundits say he is still there holding the steering wheel and pin the responsiblity for any “untoward” incident squarely on him. Pakatan Rakyat leaders urged Najib to issue an immediate clarification so as not to unsettle the people or the financial markets. “He is being very irresponsible to even suggest such a thing? Are we a police state? How can the police bypass a civilian government? Does it make sense and worse of all, doesn’t he think about the impact his words as PM will create with such a statement,” PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle. Not the PM’s responsibility At a function in Sabah state, the PM said maintaining law and order was the responsibility of the police and it would be up to them to decide the action to take. “That is up to the police to consider according to the situation. It is their responsibility,” Star reported Najib as saying. The PM was asked to comment on speculation that has buzzed around the nation that his BN coalition planned to impose Emergency law to stop the Bersih rally slated for July 9. A day ago, the police chief had warned of the possibility of “loss of life” if the rally was not cancelled, sparking immediate concerns that Najib might use government agents to provoke unrest and pave the way for him to install Emergency rule and cling to power. Najib and the BN coalition fear the rally will spark a wave of social consciousness across the country, much like the Arab Spring had in Egypt and Tunisia. His comments on Thursday suggested as much. “Rallies have the tendencies to bring about mob psychology. That is why we cannot take it lightly. This is something we will find hard to control and if this happens, it will jeapordise the people and country,” said the PM. Think carefully, repercussions very serious But civil society leaders, even those who tend to walk on the BN side of the fence, immediately condemned his comments. They urged the PM to stop the ‘scare-mongering’ which they said was causing great harm to the nation’s image and could leave a long-lasting scar on the financial markets and economy. “Unfortunate to even have to reach a stage of thinking about an Emergency. Emergency rule must be out of the question, we would be going back to the days of the Malayan Emergency where the country was fighting the Communists. Then briefly in the May 13, 1960 racial riots,” past president of Transparency International Ramon Navaratnam told Malaysia Chronicle. “I urge the PM to seriously reflect. Emergency is not just about security. It will create tremendous and long-lasting repercussions for Malaysia. It signals the death knell for democracy and we could see huge capital flight if he does not immediately correct the impression that he is giving. This is no longer funny. And the solution is not in blaming the opposition or forcing the Bersih to cancel the rally. It is for the government to knuckle down and accept that Malaysia has transormed. The Najib administration must trust its own citizens and not threaten something as serious as Emergency just to hold onto the upperhand.” Meanwhile, religious leaders also urged Najib to allow the citizens’ march, pointing out that peaceful assembly was a right enshrined under the Constitution. “Any pre-emptive banning of proposed peaceful assemblies would mean that one has no right to peaceful assembly, making the fundamental guarantee illusory. The police have the duty and the capacity to control such assemblies and can designate routes and separate the different groups as has been done during the recent by-elections,” the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) said in a statement. Najib chided for irresponsible behaviour The Bersih organisers – made up of 62 of the country’s top NGOs – are unlikely to be browbeaten into cancelling the march. To do so would be akin to selling out the citizens who form their members’ list and entrust into them the task of fighting for greater democratic rights and space. Bersih chief Ambiga Sreenevasan has assured the police the march will be peaceful and are agreeable to gather at any route suggested by the authorities. Nonetheless, despite the concessions made and repeated invitations to the BN to join the rally, Najib has turned a cold shoulder. He has blamed his archrival Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan Rakyat coalition for stirring up the Bersih rally. However, his government has refused to accede any of the 8 election reforms asked by Bersih. (scroll below) “The BN’s reasoning that this is an opposition ploy doesn’t work. If this is an opposition ploy, anything is an opposition ploy. What is obvious is that the people want this march. They want the election reforms. Now, how difficult is it for Najib as the PM to talk to the Bersih. The people behind Bersih have been NGOs heads for years. We know them for years,” said Ramon, a retired top civil servant. “How difficult is it for Najib to agree to some of the reforms. Seriously, some of these are quite good. Things like indelible ink, these are very small requests and yet the BN seems ready to plunge the country into something as serious as Emergency rule. My fervent wish is that the PM takes serious stock of what has happened. Malaysia is at the brink and BN must come to its senses.” - Malaysia Chronicle Overseas sister-rallies to the July 9 Bersih Walk for Democracy Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 3pm Venue: Malaysian High Commission, 4-1 Hannam-dong, 140-210, Seoul Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 12.00pm Venue: Malaysian Consulate in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney (simultaneous) Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 3.00pm Venue: Tower of the Sun, Osaka Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 10.00am Venue: Consulate General of Malaysia,550 South Hope Street,Suite 400, Los Angeles Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 9.30am Venue: Chrissy Field Picnic Area, Presidio, San Francisco Date: 9 July 2011 Time: 10.00am Venue: Consulate General of Malaysia, 313 East 43rd Street, New York Malaysia Chronicle appends below the 8 reforms drawn up and demanded on behalf of Malaysians by the Bersih committee: 1. Clean the electoral roll In the longer term, BERSIH 2.0 also calls for the EC to implement an automated voter registration system upon eligibility to reduce irregularities. 2. Reform postal ballot The postal ballot system must be transparent. Party agents should be allowed to monitor the entire process of postal voting. 3. Use of indelible ink BERSIH 2.0 demands for indelible ink to be used for all the upcoming elections. Failure to do so will lead to the inevitable conclusion that there is an intention to allow voter fraud. 4. Minimum 21 days campaign period 5. Free and fair access to media 6. Strengthen public institutions In particular, the EC must perform its constitutional duty to act independently and impartially so as to enjoy public confidence. The EC cannot continue to claim that they have no power to act, as the law provides for sufficient powers to institute a credible electoral system. 7. Stop corruption 8. Stop dirty politics - ENDS |
Dimana Akta Yang Melarang Rakyat Memakai Baju Kuning? Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:39 PM PDT AJK PAS Pusat, Hanipa Maidin berkata, memakai baju kuning berlambang Bersih adalah tidak haram kerana tiada mana undang-undang yang melarang pemakaian baju kuning. "Yang salah dan haram adalah tidak memakai baju dan seluar di khalayak ramai," katanya kepada Harakahdaily. Katanya, polis yang menangkap mereka yang memakai baju kuning berlambang Bersih telah bertindak di luar batas undang-undang dan boleh disaman kerana melakukan tangkapan yang tidak sah. Jelasnya lagi, Perkara 5 [1 ] Perlembagaan Persekutuan secara jelas melindungi mana-mana orang dari dilucutkan kebebasannya (deprived his liberty) kecuali menurut undang-undang. "Menangkap mana mana orang yang memakai baju Bersih sedangkan memakai baju tersebut tidak dilarang oleh mana-mana undang-undang adalah melibatkan pelucutan kebebasan seseorang dan yang demikian ianya melanggar Perkara 5(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan," ujarnya yang juga pengamal undang-undang. Beliau menyatakan demikian sebagai respons kepada portal Malaysikini semalam yang melaporkan kenyataan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein yang menyokong tindakan polis menangkap mereka yang memakai baju kuning berlabelkan Bersih. Ini kerana ujar Hishamuddin adalah haram memakai baju kuning tersebut. Kata Hanipa, bagi Umno dan Hishammuddin janganlah terlalu paranoid dengan warna. Menurutnya, jika satu waktu dulu Umno takut dengan warna hijau Petronas kerana warna hijau Petronas dilihat sama dengan warna bendera PAS, kini warna kuning pula yang ditakuti. "Sampai bila Umno nak takut dengan warna?" soalnya. Mengenai hujah Hishamuddin adalah jika aktiviti Bersih adalah haram, maka memakai baju kuning Bersih juga adalah haram, beliau bekata malang sungguh bagi rakyat Malaysia kerana mempunyai menteri yang ada kelulusan undang-undang tetapi jahil undang-undang. "Saya mengesyorkan kepada Hishammuddin jika pun kamu benci sangat dengan Bersih janganlah sampai menggadaikan maruah dan integriti kamu. "Ada masanya elok juga untuk kita menyembunyikan kejahilan kita," ujarnya. Beliau berkata, haram atau halal sesuatu perkara baik dari segi agama atau undang-undang adalah berdasarkan dalil dan bukannya berdasarkan kenyataan menteri. Mungkin, katanya Hishammuddin boleh tunjukkan kepada kita di bawah peruntukan mana dan di dalam undang-undang mana memakai baju kuning berlambang Bersih adalah satu kesalahan. "Jika kita menerima hujah Hishamuddin memakai baju kuning Bersih adalah haram kerana aktiviti Bersih adalah haram maka secara logiknya jika seseorang terlibat dengan berlumba motor secara haram, maka segala peralatan yang beliau pakai termasuklah helmet, seluar, jacket kulit dan motor yang beliau tunggang adalah kesemuanya haram," katanya lagi. |
BERSIH: Tentukan Laluan Ke Istana, Kita Akan Patuhi Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:35 PM PDT Di sebalik segala hambatan dan tekanan ke atas penganjuran BERSIH 2.0 pada 9 Julai ini, jawatankuasanya masih berusaha mencari jalan perdamaian dengan pihak berkuasa. Menurut pengerusi BERSIH 2.0, Datuk S Ambiga, mesyuaratnya dengan Tan Sri Ismail Omar berjalan dalam suasana ‘mesra’ meskipun Ketua Polis Negara itu melahirkan kebimbangannya jika perhimpunan aman itu diteruskan.
Ambiga, diiringi ahli jawatankuasa pemandu BERSIH, Maria Chin Abdullah semasa pertemuan itu berkata Ismail membisu mengenai cadangan itu tetapi tetap optimistik. Katanya, mereka juga meminta Ismail mempertimbangkan cadangan berkenaan dan meminta pertemuan kedua dengan ketua polis negara minggu depan bagi mendapatkan maklum balas berhubung permintaan mereka. "Beliau tak kata tidak dan saya fikir saya agak kelapangan untuk membuat temujanji untuk berjumpa IGP minggu depan. “Kami buat cadangan dan minta polis mempertimbangkannya. "Kami minta mereka, polis… Awak pilih satu lokasi di KL ke Taman Jaya atau mana-mana. Awak pilih, kita akan patuhi." Jaminan BERSIH 2.0 aman Ambiga, yang sebelum ini menerima ugutan bunuh menerusi khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) berhubung BERSIH berkata ancaman itu tidak ditimbulkan dalam pertemuan tersebut, mahupun hambatan dan tekanan pihak berkuasa ke atas penganjur perhimpunan itu. Sebaliknya, mesyuarat mereka tertumpu pada perhimpunan berkenaan dan beliau berulangkali memberi jaminan akan memastikan ia diadakan secara aman. Penyokong BERSIH 2.0 dijadual berkumpul di pusat membeli-belah Sogo, Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur dan masjid Kampung Baru sebelum berarak ke Istana Negara.
Kumpulan pendesak Melayu – PERKASA pula mengesahkan empat lokasi berkumpul bagi perhimpunan 9 Julai bagi menolak perhimpunan yang menuntut supaya reform pilihan raya. Mereka akan berkumpul di perkarangan Masjid Negara, Dataran Merdeka, perkarangan Stadium Merdeka dan Istana Negara. Selain itu, Pemuda Umno juga telah meluahkan hasrat mereka untuk mengadakan perhimpunan. Namun lokasi dan jalan bagi perarakan mereka belum diumumkan. |
Kredibiliti SPR: Wan Ahmad Harus Meletakkan Jawatan Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:28 PM PDT – KENYATAAN MEDIA UNTUK EDARAN SEGERA – 30 JUN 2011 Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Timbalan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Dato’ Wan Ahmad Wan Omar yang dilaporkan oleh laman portal bertarikh 30 Jun 2011 bertajuk “SPR: Ambiga diperalat, BERSIH kian kusut”. Menurut laporan tersebut, Wan Ahmad mendakwa bahawa Pengerusi Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih & Adil (BERSIH), Dato’ Ambiga Sreevenasan telah diperalatkan oleh pemimpin politik pembangkang untuk membantu Pakatan Rakyat menawan Putrajaya dalam Pilihan Raya Umum akan datang. Kenyataan Wan Ahmad adalah tidak bertanggungjawab dan menzahirkan watak sebenar beliau yang selama ini dilihat sebagai alat kepada pimpinan UMNO dan sistem yang rosak. Kenyataan sebegini tidak mengambarkan sikap profesional seorang pegawai yang memegang amanah dan tanggungjawab untuk menjamin institusi SPR kekal sebagai badan yang bebas. Adalah malang apabila Wan Ahmad gagal memperlihatkan profesionalisme sebagai penjawat awam yang seharusnya bersifat berkecuali. Ketaatan membuta-tuli beliau kepada UMNO jelas membuktikan beliau gagal membezakan keperluan untuk setia kepada ‘government of the day’ dengan taat kepada ‘governing party’. Beliau turut dilaporkan oleh laman berita The Malaysian Insider sebagai berkata komponen Pakatan Rakyat sudah mula risau dengan kebangkitan Barisan Nasional yang memperlihatkan kemenangan dalam beberapa pilihan raya kecil sejak tahun lalu. Pilihan raya yang bebas dan adil tidak memungkinkan seseorang itu mengetahui siapakah yang akan menang dalam sesuatu pilihan raya. Sebaliknya, apabila Wan Ahmad menzahirkan kenyataannya bahawa Barisan Nasional semakin kuat, maka timbul persoalan apakah beliau sudah merancang sesuatu bagi menjamin kemenangan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional? Kalau inilah peranan yang dicatur oleh Wan Ahmad, maka pilihan raya di Malaysia sememangnya tidak lagi bebas dan adil! Wan Ahmad seharusnya faham dan menghayati peranan SPR yang termaktub dalam Perkara 114 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, di mana SPR merupakan sebuah suruhanjaya yang bertanggungjawab bagi menyelia dan mengelola pilihan raya yang bebas dan adil di Malaysia. Asas utama dalam mengendalikan pilihan raya yang bebas dan adil ialah daftar pemilih yang bersih untuk menjamin tidak berlaku pengundian berganda oleh seorang pemilih berdaftar termasuk undi pos. Saya telah menyahut cabaran Wan Ahmad dan telah membuktikan secara berfakta bahawa Daftar Pemilih Induk 2010 yang diwartakan pada Mei 2011 adalah daftar pemilih yang terkotor dalam sejarah pilihan raya dan dakwaan saya telah diakui benar oleh SPR dalam kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Setiausaha SPR, Kamaruddin Mohamed Baria bertarikh 24 Jun 2011. Wan Ahmad harus memikul tanggungjawab ini dan meletakkan jawatan serta merta. Beliau tidak lagi punyai maruah dan kredibiliti untuk memimpin SPR. Wan Ahmad juga sewajarnya mengetahui bahawa SPR sama sekali tidak boleh berpihak atau mencampuri urusan mana-mana pertubuhan sama ada pertubuhan yang berkaitan dengan kerajaan atau pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) seperti BERSIH. Lapan (8) tuntutan BERSIH iaitu (i) pembersihan senarai pengundi; (ii) reformasi undi pos; (iii) penggunaan dakwat kekal; (iv) tempoh kempen minima 21 hari; (v) memperkukuh institusi awam; (vi) menghentikan rasuah pilihan raya dan; (viii) menghentikan politik kotor; adalah bertujuan untuk menyuburkan demokrasi dalam negara dan memperkukuhkan sistem pilihan raya yang bebas dan adil. Tuntutan-tuntutan ini sewajarnya dipandang serius dan positif oleh SPR dalam usaha untuk memastikan perjalanan pilihan raya di negara ini dapat dilaksanakan secara telus, bebas dan adil. SPR harus berlapang dada untuk menerima dan melaksanakan cadangan-cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh rakyat demi memperbaiki imej dan kredibiliti SPR yang dilihat sebagai tidak berwibawa dan bersikap berat sebelah. KEADILAN dan Pakatan Rakyat senantiasa mendukung sebarang usaha yang proaktif demi rakyat dan demi menjamin satu sistem demokrasi yang menjanjikan pilihan raya yang telus, bebas dan adil. Sehubungan dengan itu, saya mewakili Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KEADILAN) dengan ini menuntut supaya Timbalan Pengerusi SPR itu menarik balik kenyataan beliau atau meletakkan jawatan serta merta kerana telah menjejaskan kredibiliti SPR. Saya juga mencabar beliau supaya masuk dalam gelanggang politik UMNO dan menyertai Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13! MOHAMED AZMIN ALI |
Posted: 29 Jun 2011 08:48 PM PDT |
Press Release: Democratic Rights – Protect And Promote, Not Stifle, Them Posted: 29 Jun 2011 08:47 PM PDT The Malaysian Bar regrets the Malaysian Government's wanton, unjustified and wholly disproportionate crackdown on freedom of movement, expression and assembly this past week. Various individuals have been summoned by police for questioning or to have their statements recorded, and numerous others have been arrested nationwide, some merely on the basis of their attire. Today alone, the police raided the office of the BERSIH 2.0 secretariat and arrested some of its staff, and various arrests were also made in Perak. Most alarming has been the arrest and remand for seven days of a group of individuals (including two juveniles in their teens) in Penang, who are now being investigated under section 122 of the Penal Code for allegedly "waging war against the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong". The unreasonable and unwarranted use of this provision, which provides for potentially severe penalties, and the length of the detention period reflect the Government's determination to clamp down on the citizenry's right to express their viewpoints peaceably and to intimidate anyone wishing to exercise that right. Repeated calls for the Government to embrace the public's increased articulation of viewpoints as a positive development in our society, and to accord it the necessary democratic space to flourish, continue to fall on deaf ears. The Government has indicated its intention to review section 27 of the Police Act to allow more latitude for public rallies, but its recent actions stand in stark contradiction to this avowed goal. The Malaysian Bar reiterates that we support and defend any individual or group's fundamental freedom to speak, assemble or walk in support of a cause, if the freedom is exercised responsibly and peaceably. We commend SUHAKAM, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, for also speaking out earlier this week to remind the Government of the people's rights of assembly and expression, as enshrined in our Federal Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Malaysia is a member of the UN Human Rights Council, and was recently elected as chairperson of the Third Committee for the forthcoming 66th session of the UN General Assembly, which is responsible for tackling social, humanitarian and human rights issues. Furthermore, our Prime Minister showcases Malaysia as a moderate and progressive nation. It therefore behooves the Government to speak and act consistently both domestically and internationally, by protecting and promoting democracy and human rights, not restricting or stifling their exercise. The Malaysian Bar is concerned about the current tendency of various quarters, including certain media, to sensationalise the issues and demonise those who are involved. Irresponsible journalism and inflammatory remarks that are unchecked can unleash dangerous forces in society. We call on all individuals and groups to engage in civil discourse and a mature exchange of views. The Malaysian Bar urges the Government to act reasonably, responsibly and proportionately, and to recognise and uphold the clear wish of the people to assemble peaceably and to express their opinions. The police has shown that it is possible for peaceful public rallies to take place when organisers of such gatherings and the police cooperate with each other. We therefore call on the police to permit all walks and public rallies, and the activities leading up to them, to take place peacefully and with minimal disruption, while preserving public order and ensuring the safety of all participants. Lim Chee Wee |
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