Anwar Ibrahim |
- Malaysians Abroad Are Also Keeping an Eye on The BN gov’t
- Akta Kampung Baru: Perlu Dibentang Kepada Penduduk Dahulu
- Mata Lebam Anwar: Kabinet Arah Dua Menteri Soal Peguam Negara
- France’s Sub Scandal Resurfaces
- 12 Buses of “Protesters”, “PKR Members” or “Tourists” At PKR HQ ???
- Komentar Umum: Nafi Nota Klinikal Sudah Dijangka
- Kongres PKR:Bersiap Untuk Lonjakan Gelombang Baru
- Fitnah Anwar: Nota Perubatan Masih Dinafikan
Malaysians Abroad Are Also Keeping an Eye on The BN gov’t Posted: 23 Nov 2010 07:00 PM PST By Sydney Sasson Have things really changed at all? You claim that 'irresponsible people are tarnishing the good name of Malaysia'. We beg to differ. In our opinion, the only one tarnishing the good name of Malaysia is the Malaysian government itself. The only traitors in this whole saga, are the politicians who have betrayed the citizens who elected them. And this is why Malaysians abroad are standing in solidarity with their fellow citizens back home to demand good governance, justice, accountability and transparency. Till then, please let Prime Minister Najib and his cabinet know that you are all under watch. Dear Deputy Foreign Minister Pillay, We read with interest your latest statements in the Dewan Rakyat today that the Malaysian government is keeping Malaysians abroad under watch. Guess what? Malaysians abroad are keeping the Malaysian government under watch too. Its encouraging to know that a number of civil society initiatives and solidarity actions taken by Malaysians overseas in the past year have been noticed by the Malaysian government. It means that all those days of braving the cold and rain to protest against the archaic Internal Security Act and government corruption, and writing to various overseas Members of Parliament and lobbying politicians, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Commonwealth Human Rights Council, the overseas press and international civil society organisations to alert them to the worrying state of human rights in Malaysia has not been in vain. When will we stop protesting, letter writing, lobbying, campaigning and keeping the Malaysian government under watch? When the Malaysian government starts listening to the voice of the people and restoring social justice and democracy to the citizens of Malaysia. When the Malaysian government starts behaving like elected and paid servants of the rakyat, rather than lawless, corrupt political masters. When the Malaysian government stops spending RM1.8 million of the Malaysian tax payers money on luxury holidays to Disneyland. When the Malaysian government abolishes the Internal Security Act and stops using it to suppress freedom of thought, speech and association. When the Malaysian government stops using the University College and Colleges Act to penalise students who choose to observe or participate in the socio-political life of our nation. When the Malaysian government stops arresting peaceful candle light vigil protestors and throwing grandmothers in jail. When the Malaysian government stops exerting absolute control over the media and using the Press and Printing Act 1985 to stamp out free speech. When the Malaysian government stops stripping the judiciary of its independence and autonomy. When the Malaysian government stops torture and murder in detention. When the Malaysian government starts to recognise and uphold the rights of migrant workers and refugees. When the Malaysian government stops institutionalised racism. When the Malaysian government stops recklessly threatening that a challenge to their 53 years of BN rule will result in "crushed bodies" and "lost lives". Listen – loosing an election is not the worst thing in the world. This is politics — some days you win, some days you loose. When you don't win, you retreat gracefully to the sidelines, show some statesmanship and rebuild and strengthen your team. You reflect on why you may have lost the popular support of the people and you try to adapt and improve accordingly. You form a shadow cabinet, you develop progressive policies and wait for the next election to once again capture the imagination and hearts of the people. So get real and grow up, BN. No one party can rule for over 50 years and not be considered a despot. When the Malaysian government stops plundering and cheating our brother and sisters in Sabah and Sarawak of their native customary rights and rich and beautiful heritage. When the Malaysian government stops throwing cartoonist in jail. Dear Deputy Foreign Minister Pillay, why do you think over a million Malaysians abroad choose to reside overseas? Because they cherish their basic civil liberties and human rights which are all too often trampled on back home. Because they hold dear the fact that the most important ingredients to success are in fact talent and hard work, not the colour of your skin. Because they acknowledge that any truly developed and civilised society emphasises the importance of high quality education, healthcare and social equity, not merely the senseless pursuit of obscene wealth and 100-storey vanity projects. You claim that 'irresponsible people are tarnishing the good name of Malaysia'. We beg to differ. In our opinion, the only one tarnishing the good name of Malaysia is the Malaysian government itself. The only traitors in this whole saga, are the politicians who have betrayed the citizens who elected them. And this is why Malaysians abroad are standing in solidarity with their fellow citizens back home to demand good governance, justice, accountability and transparency. Till then, please let Prime Minister Najib and his cabinet know that you are all under watch. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Akta Kampung Baru: Perlu Dibentang Kepada Penduduk Dahulu Posted: 23 Nov 2010 06:34 PM PST Dari TV Selangor Rang Undang-Undang Penubuhan Perbadanan Pembangunan Kampung Baru perlu dibentangkan kepada penduduk di situ terlebih dahulu sebelum ianya dibentangkan di Parlimen tegas Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar. Mahfuz berkata, selagi cadangan rang undang-undang itu tidak mendapat persetujuan penduduk Kampung Baru,Menteri Wilayah dan Kesejahteraan Bandar, Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin tidak berhak membentangkannya di Parlimen lapor Harakah Daily Online. “Saya nak tanya kerajaan khususnya Datuk Raja Nong Chik, apa yang nak takut sangat nak bentang cadangan rang undang-undang Perbadanan Pembangunan Kampung Baru ini kepada penduduk-penduduk? Apa yang nak disembunyikan daripada penduduk-penduduk?
“Selagi mana pandangan daripada penduruk Kampung Baru tidak diterima, selagi itu mereka tidak berhak untuk bentang satu rang undang-undang baru mengenai Kampung Baru. Ini bukan tanah mak bapak dia,” kata beliau ketika berucap di majlis ceramah umum Penubuhan Perbadanan Pembangunan Kampung Baru – Rampasan atau Pembelaan di Kelab Sultan Sulaiman, malam tadi. Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu juga menegaskan, ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat tetap berpendirian menolak rang undang-undang itu selagi kerajaan berkeras tidak mahu menerima pandangan penduduk. “Komitmen kami sebagai ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat, kami akan tolak rang undang-undang ini kecuali kalau penduduk Kampung Baru bersetuju dengan syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan kerajaan, dan kerajaan bersedia mengubah syarat-syarat mengikut permintaan mereka,” katanya. Turut berucap di majlis yang dihadiri lebih 200 penduduk itu ialah ahli Parlimen Batu, Tian Chua, ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai, Nurul Izzah Anwar dan peguam, Hanipa Maidin. Tian Chua dalam ucapannya berkata, Kerajaan Persekutuan telah menafikan hak Kerajaan Selangor terhadap Kampung Baru sedangkan tanah Kampung Baru adalah anugerah Sultan Selangor kepada masyarakat Melayu di Kuala Lumpur. “Tidak wajar Kerajaan Persekutuan menafikan hak Kerajaan Selangor untuk ambil tahu hal Kampung Baru. “Kerajaan memang buta sejarah, buta undang-undang dan yang mereka nampak hanya wang tanpa memikirkan untuk mempertahankan Kampung Tradisi Melayu. “Isu kampung Baru ini bukan isu penduduk sahaja, bukan isu orang Melayu, tapi isu nasional yang berpunca daripada Umno, parti orang Melayu yang ingin meminggirkan orang Melayu sendiri,” katanya yang juga Pengarah Strategi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). Sementara itu, Nurul Izzah mendakwa, usaha membangunkan semula Kampung Baru itu menunjukkan kegagalan dasar kerajaan yang memberi kesan kepada ekonomi penduduk kawasan itu. “Isu pembangunan semula Kampung Baru ini timbul adalah berpunca daripada kegagalan Kampung Baru dari segi ekonomi bangsa kerana dasar-dasar kerajaan sebelumnya. “Kalau kita lihat di sekeliling Kampung Baru, adanya bangunan pencakar langit tapi di tengah-tengahnya masih terdapat kawasan yang tidak dibangunkan dalam erti kata yang sebenar. “Ini juga berpunca daripada ketidaktelusan kerajaan dalam menguruskan tanah rezab Orang Melayu, sebaliknya hanya meahu membangunkannya kerana memikirkan keuntungan,” katanya. Hanipa Maidin pula mempersoal tindakan kerajaan ingin mengawal selia Kampung Baru sedangkan mereka sendiri tidak bersedia untuk dikawal selia. Katanya, tidak ada satu jaminan bahawa kerajaan akan telus dalam memastikan perbadanan Kampung Baru digunakan untuk kepentingan penduduk semata-mata. “Penduduk Kampung Baru menentang Perbadanan Kampung Baru bukan menentang pembangunan tapi apa yang kita khuatir adalah sejarah yang dibuktikan Barisan Nasional yang berjanji kepada rakyat tetapi selalunya janji yang bohong. “Sebab Menteri Wilayah mengatakan perbadanan ini untuk kawal selia Kampung Baru tapi persoalannya siapa pula yang nak kawal selia kerajaan? “Kalau perbadanan ini lari dari hasrat, apa kita nak buat sedangkan kerajaan selalu menutup pintu untuk kita membawa perkara sebegini ke mahkamah,” katanya. Rang Undang-Undang Perbadanan Kampung Baru dijangka dibentangkan di Parlimen pada bulan hadapan setelah Kabinet bersetuju untuk melaksanakan konsep pembangunan semula Kampung Baru secara komprehensif. |
Mata Lebam Anwar: Kabinet Arah Dua Menteri Soal Peguam Negara Posted: 23 Nov 2010 06:23 PM PST Dari Malaysian Insider Pentadbiran Najib telah mengarahkan dua menteri Kabinet agar menyoal Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail berhubung dakwaan peranan beliau dalam insiden mata lebam melibatkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, yang mengejutkan negara 12 tahun lalu. "Sekarang saya telah diarahkan (oleh Kabinet), Datuk Rais dan saya sendiri agar bercakap dengan Peguam Negara. Kami menunggu beliau pulang dari Mekah," kata Nazri kepada The Malaysian Insider. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri itu memberitahu The Malaysian Insider, Kabinet mahu mendengar sendiri daripada Gani sendiri mengenai dakwaan terbaru Mat Zain dalam satu lagi surat terbukanya kelmarin sebelum mengambil tindakan susulan. "Kami mahu mendengar daripada Peguam Negara sendiri (mengenai surat terbuka). "Ini perkara yang serius. Jika beliau (Mat Zain) bercakap benar, kita kena mendapatkan maklumat lanjut… tetapi sehingga itu, tiada apa-apa keputusan," kata Nazri. Dalam surat terbukanya kepada Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar kelmarin, Mat Zain, yang merujuk kepada usul memotong gaji Peguam Negara RM10 yang dibawa Lim Kit Siang di Parlimen pada 9 November lalu, mengesahkan telah menghantar e-mel kepada Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timur itu pada 14 April lalu. "Sebagai membalas komen beliau terhadap PDRM berkaitan siasatan kes mata lebam, yang sedikit tersasar. Saya turut megesahkan bahawa kenyataan-kenyataan yang beliau petik daripada surat saya bertarikh 15 April 2009 kepada Lembaga Penasihat SPRM dan surat terbuka kepada YBhg Datin Kalsom Taib bertarikh 8 Oktober 2010 (surat terbuka pertama), yang salinannya saya e-mel kepada Tan Sri, adalah betul setakat yang terkandung dalam salinan-salinan asal surat-surat berkenaan. "Saya akan merujuk kepada kandungan surat-surat tersebut apabila, atau jika berkenaan," kata Mat Zain. Ekoran isu dibangkitkan oleh Lim di Parlimen, Nazri telah memaklumkan bahawa akan membawa isu itu ke Kabinet yang bermesyuarat 12 November lalu. Beliau turut mengumumkan penjelasan akan diminta daripada Gani bagi memberinya peluang untuk menjelaskan diri beliau yang merupakan hak beliau kepada pendengaran yang adil. "Saya menyokong sepenuhnya Tan Sri Gani diberikan hak sedemikian oleh kerana hak kesamarataan dari sudut undang-undang dan hak pendengaran yang adil adalah merupakan hak asasi individu yang dijamin oleh Perlembagaan Malaysia dan wajar dihormati oleh semua pihak. "Bagaimanapun apa yang menjadi kemusykilan saya kini ialah apabila penjelasan diberi oleh Tan Sri Gani, seorang Peguam Negara, dalam bentuk apa sekalipun, sama ada secara lisan atau kenyataan akhbar atau representasi dan lain-lainnya, pihak berkuasa manakah yang layak dan berhak serta mempunyai kuasa untuk memberikan pendengaran adil kepada semua pihak terlibat dalam persoalan ini. "Dan, tidak hanya adil kepada Tan Sri Gani seorang sahaja. Sesuai untuk saya nyatakan di sini bahawa pihak-pihak yang terlibat, bukan setakat empat individu yang dinamakan dalam laporan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim iaitu Tan Sri Gani, Tan Sri Musa Hassan (bekas Ketua Polis Negara), Dr Abdul Rahman Yusof dan saya sendiri," katanya, Mat Zain juga berkata, Jabatan Peguam Negara, polis dan Kementerian Kesihatan juga merupakan pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan dalam perkara ini. Malah dalam surat terbuka itu, Mat Zain menggesa kerajaan mendedahkan secara terperinci insiden itu bagi mempertahankan imej dan kredibiliti pasukan polis. Dalam kenyatannya semalam, Lim yang juga Penasihat DAP berkata, beliau telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan Nazri berhubung isu yang dibangkitkan oleh bekas pegawai kanan polis itu. Pada Julai 2008, Anwar membuat laporan polis mendakwa Gani, Mat Zain, Musa yang ketika itu pegawai penyiasat dan Dr Abdul Rahman telah memalsukan satu laporan perubatan mengenai kejadian mata lebam itu. Tan Sri Rahim Nor, ketika kejadian merupakan Ketua Polis Negara, telah mengaku kepada suruhanjaya diraja siasatan bahawa telah memukul Anwar ketika ditahan di Bukit Aman. Kejadian itu berlaku selepas Anwar dipecat daripada kerajaan dan Umno. |
France’s Sub Scandal Resurfaces Posted: 23 Nov 2010 05:40 AM PST From Asia Sentinel Torpedoes Running! Questions over the sale of French-built Scorpène submarines to militaries across the world may finally ensnare some of France's highest-ranking leaders. They include former French President Jacques Chirac, former Prime Ministers Dominique de Villipin and Edouard Balladur and the country's current president, Nicholas Sarkozy in addition to an unknown number current and former French defense executives. In addition, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should be starting to get nervous, along with officials in India, Chile and Brazil. Lawyers for the families of 11 French engineers killed in a 2002 bomb attack in Karachi were quoted Friday as saying they would file a manslaughter suit against Chirac, allegedly because he cancelled a bribe to Pakistani military officials in the sale of three Agosta 90-class submarines to that country's navy. Sarkozy was Minister of the Budget when the government sold the subs, built by the French defense giant DCN (later known as DCNS) to Pakistan for a reported US$950 million. Prosecutors allege that Pakistani politicians and military officials and middlemen received large "commissions" with as much as €2 million in kickbacks routed back to Paris to fund Balladur’s unsuccessful 1995 presidential campaign against Chirac. As budget minister, Sarkozy would have authorized the financial elements of the submarine sale. At the time he was the spokesman for Balladur's presidential campaign and, according to French media, has been accused of establishing two Luxemburg companies to handle the kickbacks.
It is alleged that when Chirac was re-elected, the president canceled the bribes to the Pakistanis, which resulted in the revenge attack on a vehicle in which the French engineers and at least three Pakistanis were riding. For years, the Pakistanis blamed the attack on fundamentalist Islamic militants, including Al Qaeda. "Our complaint is going to target how the decision was arrived at to stop the commissions," Morice told AFP, saying the suit was prompted by recent testimony from arms executives in the case. Morice also called for Sarkozy, who witnesses have told investigators was linked to the bribes, to be questioned. The French president angrily denounced the allegations. As president, he has immunity and can refuse to be questioned while in office. Nonetheless, l’affaire Karachi, as it is widely known in France, has been called the most explosive corruption investigation in recent French history, according to AFP. It may well be far bigger than just the unpaid bribes to the Pakistanis. Executives of DCNS embarked on a global marketing drive to sell the diesel-electric Scorpène-class subs, a new design. They peddled two to the Chilean Navy in 1997, breaking into the market previously dominated by HDN of Germany. DCNS also sold six Scorpènes in 2005 with the option for six other boats, to India, whose defense procurement agency has been involved in massive bribery scandals in the past. Defense Minister George Fernandes was forced to step down in 2001 after videos surfaced of procurement officials taking bribes. In 2008, Gen. Sudipto Ghosh, the chairman of the Ordnance Factory Board, was arrested and seven foreign companies were barred from doing business in India as a result of a bribery scandal. In 2008, DCNS also won a bid to supply four Scorpènes to Brazil. DCNS is to provide the hull for a fifth boat that Brazil intends to use as a basis for developing its first nuclear-powered submarine. DCNS sold the Scorpènes to Pakistan in 1994. At about the same time the French engineers were murdered in 2002, Malaysia placed an US1 billion order for two Scorpènes in a deal engineered by then-defense minister and Deputy Prime Minister Najib. In exchange, a company wholly owned by Najib's close friend, Abdul Razak Baginda, was paid €114 million in "commissions," according to testimony in the Malaysian parliament. It is unclear why Malaysia decided to acquire the two boats. A new naval base is being built to house the two at Teluk Sepanggar in the East Malaysian state of Sabah because the waters around peninsular Malaysia are generally too shallow for optimal submarine operations. In addition, the boats were delivered without advanced navigational and weapons gear, which the Royal Malaysian Navy is acquiring at a high cost from individual suppliers. That episode has been widely reported. Caught up in it, besides Najib and Razak Baginda, was Altantuya Shaariibuu, the Mongolian translator who was murdered in 2006 and whose body was blown up with military grade explosives. Razak Baginda, her jilted lover, was charged along with two of Najib's bodyguards but was acquitted under unusual circumstances without having to put on a defense. Before she was murdered, Altantuya told witnesses she was to be paid US$500,000 for her role in the submarine deal. After his release Razak Baginda immediately decamped for Oxford University and apparently hasn't set foot in Malaysia since. On Nov. 5, Malaysian prosecutors closed the book on the case, despite statements by a private investigator that tied Najib to Altantuya's murder. The case, however, remains alive in France. In April, three French lawyers, William Bourdon, Renaud Semerdjian and Joseph Breham filed a case with prosecutors in Paris on behalf of the Malaysian human rights organization Suaram, which supports good-governance causes. Breham journeyed to Malaysia later in April to interview further witnesses. In an email, Breham said he and Bourdon are returning to Southeast Asia to ask more questions next month. If the three lawyers — or any other French or Malaysian prosecutors for that matter — want a witness, Razak Baginda remains in the UK. The efforts by prosecutors to link Sarkozy to corruption allegations in the Karachi affair may well have ramifications beyond French politics. France’s commercial competitors in tightening global defense markets can also be expected to seek advantage from the affair. The decision in mid-November by DCNS and Navantia of Spain to end their collaboration on building the Scorpène-class of boats purchased by Malaysia now make the companies commercial rivals. This seemingly bitter split may unleash new insights into past business practices, notably from the Spanish side as they seek to promote their S80 submarines against the Scorpènes. France can also expect little support from Britain, where suggestions that the two navies share aircraft carriers as a cost cutting measure have been met with a mixture of rage and derision. Further, any revelations of systemic corruption within the French naval shipbuilding sector could present opportunities for in Britain seeking an escape from seemingly watertight contracts with French and shipyards for the construction of two large aircraft carriers. Any investigation into corruption at the levels now underway in France is inherently unpredictable given the interests involved. What began as a ripple in Paris may yet build into a tsunami threatening individuals and plans previously thought impervious to such a threat. Questioning Abdul Razak Baginda might be a place to start. Gavin M. Greenwood is a security consultant with the Hong Kong-based security risk management consultancy firm Allan & Associates. John Berthelsen is the editor of the Asia Sentinel. |
12 Buses of “Protesters”, “PKR Members” or “Tourists” At PKR HQ ??? Posted: 22 Nov 2010 10:40 PM PST From Media Rakyat |
Komentar Umum: Nafi Nota Klinikal Sudah Dijangka Posted: 22 Nov 2010 08:03 PM PST ‘Everyone following the Sodomy II case ‘knows’ that Anwar Ibrahim will be denied the clinical notes. It was a foregone conclusion.’ Semen can stay in rectum for 72 hours: Doc Cheong Sai Fah: To someone not in the legal profession, denying Anwar Ibrahim access to the doctors’ notes seems grossly unfair and morally wrong, even if there is a legal technical reason to support the judge’s decision. How can any fair-minded person be persuaded that Anwar has been given a fair trial? I do hope that the neutral Malay voters view this as unfair treatment and cast their votes accordingly. Then the politician who declared that he doesn’t need votes from the Indians and the Chinese may begin to sit up and take note. Yobama: This case is just a ‘modern’ version of the classical intrigues that plagued the Malay ruling class in the ancient Malacca kingdom, dating back to Hang Tuah’s time. In the place of the hereditary sultans, we now have elected PMs and elected DPMs as the puppeteers. They call the tune, and the judges and AG’s Chambers just simply carry out their ‘duties’ in obedience to the master. Now the whole world is following the unravelling of the plot, when during the Malacca sultanate days only people close to the istana knew the storyline. Is this the height of ‘ketuanan’ Melayu governance where the incumbents wield their power by persecuting their political foes just to stay in power? Is this the execution of Najib Razak’s pledge to ‘defend Putrajaya with their crushed bodies’ and by selling all their souls? Defending by hook or by crook? To me, it is more by crook. Teh: Everyone following the Sodomy II case ‘knows’ that Anwar Ibrahim will be denied the clinical notes. It was a foregone conclusion. In Malaysia,
judicial decisions can be foretold by any man in the street in cases where Umno is involved. Changeagent: I think 99.9% of all Malaysians have the same extraordinary powers to predict the outcome of this case. The other 0.1% of the population are either indifferent or in denial. Lim Chong Leong: This is a persecution, not prosecution. How can the defence team even imagine if there are contradictions between the clinical reports, the medical reports and the doctor’s testimony if they are not allowed to see any of it? If they are all consistent, then fine, they won’t pursue that line of cross. That would actually save time. But if there were contradictions and the witness is discredited, the court can then determine that the evidence is useless. What harm can there be to allow the defence access to the prosecution’s documents? This is not a card game of bluff. This is our judicial and criminal process. And Umno is screwing it up just so they can stay in power to plunder us further. Sarawakian: Justice has to be seen to be done. Our judiciary and our judges are becoming a laughing stock to the world. It’s time they salvage at least a little of their sullied reputation. Now even the doctors are in cahoots with corrupt politicians. Allan Kong: Brother judge, who are you to judge that the reason for the release of the medical report is based on a hunch? Why can’t the report be revealed to show the truth? The very act of concealing the facts is tantamount to a criminal act. Ranjit Singh: Anwar’s lawyers must be ready to face such a stupid decision and able to counter it. You can’t expect fairness and justice in an Umno court, but you can put the judge to shame when you anticipate what it is going to be. We can continue to run the system down, but if we cannot synergise to anticipate what is expected and prepare for it, it then it becomes about political manoeuvering that we are all so use to. Look at Karpal Singh – didn’t he know the date of the hearing? Suddenly he needs to table a motion in Parliament that is of no use, as nothing will come out of it as has been the case from time immemorial. Sure, it is a kangaroo court, but didn’t we know that already? “In today’s decision, High Court judge Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah ruled that the defence had failed to give reasons as to why the court should allow Anwar access to the medical notes.” Can there be anyone more ignorant of the concept of innocent until proven guilty, until all avenues and options are provided to ensure a human’s liberty? The important transcendental factor is that clear principle and common law that aims to protect the accused based on reason and common sense, not procedures and man-made law to satisfy Umno and its cronies. It is obviously the lack of impartiality and the human failings and the abandonment of any pretence of objectivity to that rights that are adjudicated upon by people who are biased that does a disservice to Malaysians. CarL: If PM Najib Razak can be considered a murderer, and an elected MP can say this out loud in the Parliament, then why is it difficult to believe that the accused is guilty of what he is accused of? Calling the PM a murderer in Parliament is something never heard off, and even if he is guilty, there is no need to behave like that. There are avenues, and as an elected representative, you must show a good example. Anonymous: While Augustine Paul was famous for the words ‘irrelevant, irrelevant, irrelevant’, this judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah seems smarter with his ‘masuk bilik, masuk bilik, masuk bilik’ Omi: The ‘Third Force’ attacked PKR about its ‘unfair’ party elections, that PKR is a ‘pa-ma’ party, that Azmin Ali is bullying Zaid Ibrahim into a corner, and that Dr Syed Husin Ali is nyanyu. |
Kongres PKR:Bersiap Untuk Lonjakan Gelombang Baru Posted: 22 Nov 2010 07:50 PM PST Dari Tv Selangor Jentera Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) bersiap sedia mencetus lojakan pada kongres minggu hadapan bagi membawa gelombang perubahan demokrasi selepas selesai memilih kepimpinan semalam. Perkara ini dilontarkan oleh Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kepada media di perkarangan Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur semalam. Beliau percaya tumpuan kongres lebih kepada persedian pilihanraya justeru optimis tumpuan masyarakat yang mula memandang parti sebagai pencetus perubahan dalam sistem pentadbiran negara kini. “Sekarang pemilihan telah selesai dan kita akan menghadapi kongres. Tumpuan tentu kepada pilihanraya akan datang,” jelas Anwar.
Tambahnya lagi, keraguan rakyat terhadap ketelusan demokrasi pemilihan kepimpinan PKR dianggap cabaran justeru membalas dengan penjelasan terbuka sekaligus menarik perhatian sejumlah besar masyarakat yang mencari pendekatan demokrasi mutlak baru. Kepimpinan Johor menurut beliau sangat menggalakkan selain mempamerkan pendekatan yang amat unik. Dalam temubual itu, Anwar turut menzahirkan rasa was-was kreadibiliti Zaid Ibrahim mencipta haluan politik baru di Malaysia justeru sinikal terhadap sokongan yang akan diterima bekas calon timbalan presiden PKR itu apabila mengorak langkah kelak. “Tidak perlu saya untuk respon kepada beliau kerana dia (Zaid) belum menunjukkan senarai nama ahli baru yang beliau dakwa akan bersamanya,” ujar beliau di sini. Anwar turut berpendapat pejuang-pejuang rakyat yang ingin berlagak ‘hooligan’ tidak ada tempat dalam PKR justeru beliau memberitahu pendekatan PKR kini adalah memperkenalkan pemimpin-pemimpin muda. “Untuk kongres minggu hadapan, kita akan tampil lebih kuat dengan memperkenalkan ahli pasukan baru terdiri daripada golongan pemimpin muda yang lebih profesional,” kata beliau kepada media. Anwar berkata beliau akan terus memimpin parti Pakatan Rakyat kerana yakin gabungan PAS dan DAP sedang memberi reaksi terbaik menperkukuh prinsip parti justeru akan memberi laluan mudah kepada pakatan pembangkang mengorak langkah membina sebuah kerajaan demokrasi tulen. “Sehingga kini Pakatan Rakyat bersetuju cara kita membawa pendekatan ini, jadi kita akan teruskan. Kita akan mengadakan pertemuan Rabu ini untuk menghurai perjalanan akan datang dan saya rasa itu bukan isu. Melainkan Umno yang mahu saya keluar,” jelas beliau lagi. Anwar juga berpendirian tindakan Zaid meninggalkan parti bukan isu yang perlu diberi fokus. Beliau juga mengesa agar PKR lebih proaktif memperlihat kematangan justeru memberi kerjasama terbaik kepada jentera kepimpinan parti. Ditanya padangan bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bahawa ramalan PKR berjaya mengekalkan dua pertiga kerusi pada pilihanraya akan datang, beliau berkata PKR bersedia menawan dua negeri lagi. “Pandangan beliau boleh dikatakan relevan pada ketika ini kerana pada 2008 dia fikir kita tidak akan berjaya sehingga kita buktikan ia salah. Jadi kita akan cuba dapatkan satu atau dua negeri lagi,” kata beliau kepada media. (Hadri Yaziz) |
Fitnah Anwar: Nota Perubatan Masih Dinafikan Posted: 22 Nov 2010 07:45 PM PST Dari Malaysiakini Ketegangan tercetus di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur apabila Peguam Cara Negara II, Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abidin bertikam lidah dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan beberapa individu di galeri awam. Semuanya gara-gara peguam utama pembela, Karpal Singh yang gagal dalam usahanya cuba mengasak saksi hari ini, Dr Siew Sheue Feng supaya merujuk kepada nota perubatan asal. “Saksi-saksi ini sudah diprogram sebagai robot," bidas Karpal. Anwar juga dilihat hilang sabarnya hari ini kerana telah berulang-kali dinafikan hak mendapatkan nota perubataan asal yang dibuat oleh doktor-doktor di Hospital Kuala Lumpur. “Ini sudah melampau kerana awak semua (pendakwa) cuba menyaring semua bukti," kata Anwar. Yusof menjawab: “Kau tidak tahu mengenai undang-undang.” Ia kemudian mencetuskan pertikaman lidah pula antara Yusof dengan beberapa individu di galeri awam. Anggota polis yang berjumlah empat hingga lima orang, termasuk seorang yang berpangkat ASP kemudiannya dikerah bagi mengawal keadaan. Sebelum itu, Karpal bertanya kepada Dr Siew berhubung apa yang diisi dalam borang perubatan. Nama pesakit – saksi menjawab, “Mohd Saiful Bin Bukhari.” No IC – Dr Siew berkata dia tidak ingat. Tarikh lahir – sekali lagi doktor itu berkata dia tidak ingat. Pekerjaan – "pembantu peribadi" Status – “bujang” Dr Siew juga berkata dia tidak ingat nombor laporan polis berkenaan. Karpal kemudian meminta Dr Siew merujuk kepada laporan perubatan. " Bukankah awak ingin menyegarkan semula ingatan awak berdasarkan nota itu?" Saksi berkata dia hanya merujuk kepada maklumat dalam laporan perubatan terakhir dan bukan nota perubatan yang asal. “Saya ada laporan yang lengkap," katanya. Pagi tadi, hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah sekali lagi menolak permohonan pihak peguambela bagi mendapatkan nota perubatan Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) dalam perbicaraan kes liwat yang membabitkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Katanya, mahkamah tidak boleh memaksa dokumen itu dikemukakan. Keputusan mahkamah agung Sebelum itu berlaku pertikaman lidah antara peguam utama pihak pembelaan Karpal Singh yang berhujah bahawa hakim gagal memahami Seksyen 45, Akta Keterangan 1950 yang mensyaratkan seseorang pakar perlu mengemukakan semua dokumen bagi menyokong semua hujah yang dikemukakan di mahkamah. “Ini keputusan Mahkamah Agung." Hakim Mohamad Zabidin berkata: “Bagaiaman jika dia (saksi) tidak mahu melihatnya (dokumen)?" Karpal berkata ini tidak adil dan ini menyukarkan tugas pihak pembelaan dalam melaksanakan tugas mereka. "Apa yang mungkin Yang Arif catatkan adalah tidak berguna kecuali ia disokong oleh data dan ia tidak berguna dengan tulisan di atas kertas itu." “Kenapa mesti Yang Arif duduk dan terdedah kepada tidak tentu arah?" soal Karpal. Katanya, tindakan itu bagi membantu mahkamah mendapatkan gambaran dari sudut sains. Justeru, menurut Karpal, adalah tidak adil kepada pihak peguambela jika data yang disertakan tidak menyokong kenyataan lisan dan bercanggah dengan sistem perundangan. “Fungsi pakar (saksi) adalah mengemukakan kepada mahkamah setiap maklumat bagi menyokong keterangan dalam terma sains agar mahkamah tidak tersilap arah,” kata Karpal. Bagaimanapun Peguam Cara Negara II, Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abidin mencelah mengatakan saksi layak menjawab secara lisan selain tiada desakan untuk saksi mengemukakan data. Katanya tugas pakar patologi HKL, Dr Siew hanya untuk mengambil sampel dan mengenalpasti kecederaan dan bukan mengenalpasti data. |
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