Khamis, 19 Ogos 2010

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Sodomy Circus Turns Into a Sex Opera!

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 04:22 AM PDT

DAP Supports Anwar’s Call For Proof Of Allegation Of The Existence Of an Alternate Constitution

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 12:25 AM PDT

Media Statement by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on Thursday, August 19, 2010:

DAP supports Anwar's call for proof of allegation of the existence of an alternate constitution to replace the current one to erase special rights of the Malays and the position of Islam as the official religion

DAP supports the call by Parliamentary Opposition Leader and Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for proof of the allegation of the existence of an alternate constitution to replace the current one to erase special rights of the Malays and the position of Islam as the official religion.

This allegation by the Perak Mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria is a very serious and inflammable one and should not be made without proof.

This allegation has already been the basis of a very alarmist front-page Utusan Malaysia headline "Elak perang besar" on Tuesday and an incendiary article entitled "Benar, 'perang besar' boleh berlaku di Malaysia" yesterday.

DAP leaders had never heard or known of such an alternate constitution.

Any such an alleged alternative constitution could not have emanated from Pakatan Rakyat as the component parties of PKR, PAS and DAP had reaffirmed commitment to the fundamental principles of the Malaysian Constitution in a common platform last December.

What should be the cause of concern to all, including potential investors whether local or foreign, is the resort to "May 13" talk or threat in political discourses, including by Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, even during the Merdeka Month celebrations this year. As far as I can remember, the spectre of May 13 had had never been invoked by previous Deputy Prime Ministers in the past four decades.

All sane, rational and responsible political leaders from whatever complexion deplore any "May 13" threat or talk, for are united in wanting to ensure that there is no possibility of another "May 13" let alone "perang besar" than May 13 in the country!

The escalation of race politics when the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is proclaiming his 1Malaysia policy and during the Merdeka Month celebration raises disturbing questions whether Najib is serious about the 1Malaysia slogan or whether he is really in full charge of his administration.

At the rate things are escalating, someone will be lodging a police report for sedition against Najib for unveiling the New Economic Model (NEM) on March 31 for its proposal for the fifth SRI (Strategic 'Reform Initiative), viz: a transparent and market-friendly affirmative action.

NEM proposed inclusiveness as the second goal and key component – fostering equal and fair economic opportunities where affirmative action will consider all ethnic groups fairly and equally as long as they are in the low income 40% of households.

NEM wants affirmative action programmes to be based on "market-friendly and market-based criteria together taking into consideration the needs and merits of the applicants".

When police reports of sedition are lodged because proposals are made fully in line with the NEM proposals, something has gone very wrong not only with Malaysian politics but with the entire process of nation-building.

This is a matter which warrants the serious attention of all political leaders and the Malaysian citizenry.

Lim Kit Siang

Pencapaian Setengah Tahun Ekonomi Negara

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 12:09 AM PDT

–Kenyataan Media–


Pencapaian setengah tahun ekonomi negara bersama dengan angkanya telah diedar/dikeluarkan semalam. Ianya seperti yang dijangkakan. Pertumbuhan sebanyak 8.9% pada suku kedua dan 10.1% pada suku pertama, sungguhpun memberansangkan, hakikatnya angka tersebut berdasarkan ekonomi yang menguncup pada tahun 2009, iaitu pada kadar 1.9% . Jika dibandingkan dengan Indonesia dan Singapura, pertumbuhan yang dicatatkan ini membolehkan kita membandingkannya dengan pencapaian negara-negara jiran pada masa akan datang sekiranya reform/perubahan tidak dilaksanakan segera- Singapura dijangka mencatat pertumbuhan sekitar 13%-15% pada tahun 2010, manakala Indonesia dijangka mencatat pertumbuhan sekitar 6% kelansungan dari pertumbuhan yang dicatat pada tahun lalu iaitu 4.9% tatkala Malaysia dibelenggui kemelesetan.


Apa yang pasti pengumuman semalam tidak mencerminkan realiti ekonomi buat kebanyakan rakyat negara ini. Sejumlah 2.4juta keluarga bersamaaan 40% isi rumah negara ini hanya berpendapatan RM 2300 sebulan, membentuk golongan termiskin di negara ini. Wajar diberi perhatian adalah 75% dari jumlah itu merupakan keluarga Melayu dan peribumi.

Upah yang rendah begitu menekan rakyat Malaysia tatkala mereka terpaksa berdepan dengan kos kehidupan yang semakin hari semakin meningkat. Kebanyakan graduan yang berjaya mendapat pekerjaan bergelut hanya untuk membayar segala macam bil, jauh sekali mampu untuk menabung.

Hakikat ekonomi buat kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia yang berbeza dengan apa yang diumumkan semalam memperlihatkan sebuah pengurusan ekonomi yang gagal membasmi ketidaksamaan dalam masyarakat. Setiap kali kita membincangkan kedudukan ekonomi negara, terutama apabila menyentuh jurang yang kian melebar, pastinya kedudukan ekonomi dapat disimpulkan sebagai "Yang Kaya Bertambah Kaya, Yang Miskin Papa Kedana."

Program Transformasi Ekonomi(ETP) yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Perdana Menteri pada 17 Ogos 2010 tidak menjelaskan sebarang peta jalan(road map) untuk merapatkan jurang tersebut. Program Transformasi Ekonomi menjanjikan ekonomi yang sihat dan lebih baik serta peningkatan pendapatan negara kasar dari RM 600billion (yang dijanjikan pada tahun 2009) kepada RM 1.7 billion menjelang tahun 2020. Peningkatan tersebut dikatakan mencipta 3.3 juta pekerjaan baru dan pendapatan per kapita sebanyak RM 49 500 menjelang 2020.


Sebagai satu pelan ataupun kebijakan, ianya pasti sedap didengar. Namun sepertimana kebijakan atau dasar yang dibentangkan sebelum ini, Kerajaan Persekutuan sering melontar angka-angka besar dan bersembunyi di belakang asumsi serta premis yang akhirnya terbukti salah.

Demi untuk mencapai matlamat yang digariskan itu, Malaysia memerlukan RM 2.2 trilion pelaburan, 92% dari jumlah tersebut dijangka dari sektor swasta. Manakala itu 75% dari 92% tersebut sepatutnya dari pelaburan tempatan secara langsung dan bakinya dari pelaburan asing secara langsung.

Berasaskan inilah matlamat yang digariskan oleh pentadbiran sekarang pada pandangan kita tidak berpijak pada hakikat ekonomi yang sebenarnya. Mengumumkan sebuah kebijakan yang bercita-cita tinggi manakala untuk mencapainya berasaskan pelaburan swasta semata merupakan satu perancangan yang tidak bertanggungjawab sedangkan selama 12 tahun ini Malaysia begitu bergantung kepada "pump priming" dan pertumbuhan pelaburan swasta begitu kecil. Perancangan tersebut cuba mencapai yang mustahil dan menafikan rekod sebelumnya hanya demi sebuah pengumuman.

Begitu juga dengan sasaran untuk mencipta 3.3 juta pekerjaan baru dan pendapatan per kapita sekitar RM 49, 500 menjelang 2020 merupakan satu matlamat yang terpisah dari hakikat kesusahan rakyat sepanjang 10 tahun ini. Hakikatnya 34% dari tenaga kerja kita berpendapatan di bawah paras kemiskinan(kurang dari RM 700 sebulan) dan peningkatan upah hanya pada kadar 2.6%(berbanding 10% yang dicapai Indonesia di antara 2007 dan 2009)

Usaha untuk mengalihkan perhatian dengan membentangkan angka-angka baru telah membenihkan sikap untuk tidak cuba berdepan dengan punca permasalahan yang sebenar. Walaubagaimanapun saya yakin rakyat sedar ini merupakan satu lagi upaya untuk menyogok khabar muluk demi mengelirukan serta mengalihkan perhatian mereka dari hakikat kedudukan ekonomi yang sebenarnya tidak berubah sepanjang dua tahun ini.


Saya menegaskan kebijakan ekonomi yang mampu membasmi kemiskinan merupakan satu perancangan yang tidak terpisah dengan hakikat ekonomi rakyat dan akar umbi.

Sejumlah dua pertiga dari penduduk negara ini, pendapatan isi rumahnya berada di bawah RM 4000 sebulan. 4juta keluarga akan terus berdepan dengan kenaikan kos sara hidup, kecualilah ada upaya yang menjurus untuk meningkatkan pendapatan mereka dengan kadar segera.

Oleh itu selepas beberapa siri perbincangan dan penelitian, Keadilan bersetuju untuk menetapkan serta mensasarkan pendapatan isi rumah minimum pada kadar RM 4000 dalam jangka masa 5 tahun pentadbiran persekutuan Pakatan Rakyat nanti. Dasar yang dibentangkan ini akan dibawa ke Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat untuk perbincangan selanjutnya.

Keadilan akan mencadangkan kepada rakan-rakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat untuk melaksanakan beberapa kebijakan yang berupaya untuk melonjakkan kadar upah di negara ini demi mencapai kadar minimum pendapatan isi rumah RM 4000. Di antara dasar tersebut ialah iltizam untuk memerangi ketirisan serta rasuah, melakukan reform terhadap sistem kehakiman serta institusi awam lainnya di samping mengembalikan kredibiliti, ketelusan dan pertanggungjawaban untuk menarik pelaburan asing secara langsung(FDI).

Negara ini tidak boleh lagi menabur janji serta membentangkan perancangan yang tidak mampu dicapai dan tidak memberi manfaat kepada rakyat. 30% pegangan ekuiti yang dijanjikan Umno masih gagal dipenuhi dan ternyata memberi kesan yang nyata kepada keluarga Melayu yang sentiasa bergelut dengan upah rendah serta kos sara hidup. Namun demikian dasar itu sering di war warkan sebagai anugerah Umno kepad rakyat.

Asas kepada kebijakan pembangunan kita sewajarnya menjurus kepada penciptaan masayarakat yang adil serta memberi penumpuan kepada pengagihan adil khazanah dan sumber nagara.

19 OGOS 2010




The nation's economic figures released yesterday were as anticipated. The growth of 8.9% in the second quarter and 10.1% in the first quarter, while commendable, came on the back of a contraction of 1.7% in 2009. Compared to Indonesia and Singapore, our half year economic growth provides a glimpse of our comparative prosperity vis-a-vis our neighbours' in the future, if reforms are not carried out immediately.

Singapore is expected to grow at 13% to 15% for 2010, compared to Malaysia's growth forecast of 6% to 7% by the end of the year. On the other hand, Indonesia is anticipated to register a growth of above 6% for 2010, continuing a 4.6% growth in 2009 when Malaysia was in recession.


The disconnect between an announcement of stellar economic performance and realities on the ground is symptomatic of an economic management that is unable to eradicate income inequality in society. The adage that in Malaysia the rich get richer and the poor become poorer comes to mind each time the economic disparity in our society is discussed.

There is not going to be much celebration on the streets as the economic reality for the majority of Malaysian households is different, especially when they have had to put up with a few price hikes in the last two years. This remains a key concern for Pakatan Rakyat, that while cost of living continues to rise, 2.4 million families or 40% of the households earn less than RM2,300 per month. They form the poorest section of our society and 75% of this group are Malay/bumiputra families.

Low wages continue to put pressure on Malaysians as they grapple with steadily rising cost of living. The majority of graduates entering the job market struggle to pay for the bills, let alone to save.

The Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) released by the Prime Minister's Department on 17 August 2010 did not indicate a roadmap to close this disparity. It promises massive improvement to the economy, tripling the Gross National Income to RM1.7 trillion in 2020 from RM600 billion in 2009. It claims that this will translate to an income per capita of RM49,500 by 2020 – on the back of 3.3 million new jobs to be created.


This sounds credible as a plan, similar to other plans previously unveiled by Barisan Nasional. It has become standard modus operandi that the Federal Government throws a lot of big numbers and hides behind assumptions and premises that eventually are proven wrong.

In order to achieve these targets, Malaysia requires RM2.2 trillion new investments, 92% of which is expected to come from private sectors. 75% of this 92% is projected to come from domestic direct investments while the rest is from FDI.

This is where the projections and assumptions are not grounded on reality. Announcing a set of ambitious economic targets to be built almost entirely on private investments is irresponsible to say the least, when Malaysia has been relying on pump priming for the past 12 years and private investment growth was minimal. This is akin to planning for the impossible and ignoring past track records for the sake of an announcement.

Similarly, a promise of 3.3 million new jobs and income per capita of RM49,500 by 2020 is detached from the hardship of the people for the last 10 years. The reality is 34% of our workforce earns below the poverty line (less than RM700 per month) and the average salary increase for the last one decade is only at 2.6% (compared to 10% for Indonesia in between 2007 to 2009).

The act of perpetually throwing new numbers to distract the public's attention from economic realities on the ground perpetuates the habitual refusal to address the root cause of the problems. I am confident that the public will quickly conclude that ETP is another instance in a long line of public relations gestures meant to delude the public when the realities on the ground hardly changes over the past two years.


That is why I have always emphasised economic programmes that can alleviate the poverty of the people such that there is no disconnect between the supposedly good performance of the economy with the realities on the ground.

A staggering two-thirds of our population survive on a household income of below RM4,000 a month. These four million families will continue to face hardship due to the rising cost of living, unless priorities are given to increase their income level drastically and quickly.

Therefore, after a series of consultations and studies, Keadilan has agreed to set a target of RM4,000 minimum household income within the first five years of Pakatan Rakyat's federal administration as our flagship economic target . This policy proposal will be brought to Pakatan Rakyat's leadership council for further deliberation.

Keadilan will work with its partners within the framework of Pakatan Rakyat government to implement a series of policies to step change the level of wages in the country to achieve a minimum household income of RM4,000. These policies include strong commitment to plug leakages, determination and honesty to fight corruption, reforms of the judiciary and public institutions to bring back the credibility and promoting transparency and accountability to attract new FDIs.

The country must move away from concepts and economic promises that had never been achieved or translated well to benefit the public. The 30% equity promise by Umno remains unfulfilled and hardly has any effect on Malay families grappling with low wages and high cost of living. Yet it is bandied as a cornerstone of gift from Umno to the public.

Keadilan's gift is more straight-forward and easily translatable to dollars and sens to the public. Under a Pakatan Rakyat government, there will not be a family which earns below RM4,000 within the first five years of our administration.

19 AUGUST 2010

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