Selasa, 24 Jun 2014

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Timbalan menteri Umno miliki saham konsesi UiTM Tapah, kata PKR

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 10:48 PM PDT


Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani Datuk Tajuddin Rahman (gambar) merupakan pemegang saham minoriti dalam konsesi penswastaan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Tapah, kata PKR.

“Hari ini saya boleh mengesahkan ahli Parlimen Pasir Salak adalah pemimpin Umno yang mempunyai pegangan minoriti dalam konsesi penswastaan UiTM kampus cawangan Tapah,” kata Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli.

Rafizi berkata, konsesi penswastaan UiTM cawangan Tapah dianugerahkan kepada UniTapah Sdn Bhd dengan konsesi selama 23 tahun untuk membina dan menyewakan kembali kampus itu kepada UiTM.

Beliau mendakwa, salah seorang pengarah UniTapah Sdn Bhd ialah Sri Rahayu Tajuddin, iaitu anak kepada Tajuddin.

“Sri Rahayu juga pernah menjadi setiausaha Umno Bahagian Pasir Salak yang diketuai oleh Tajuddin.

“Ini mengulangi perkara yang sama dalam konsesi penswastaan kampus cawangan UiTM lain apabila setiap syarikat konsesi turut mempunyai kaitan dengan pemimpin Umno atau ahli perniagaan yang rapat dengan Umno,” katanya.

Rafizi berkata, seorang lagi pengarah dalam UniTapah Sdn Bhd yang mempunyai hubungan dengan Tajuddin adalah Vignesh Naidu Kuppusamy Naidu melalui usahasama perniagaan bersama di antara mereka.

“Selain UniTapah Sdn Bhd, Tajuddin dan Vignesh Naidu mempunyai hubungan melalui sebuah syarikat pembinaan iaitu Everfine Resources Sdn Bhd yang mana Tajuddin adalah pengerusinya dan Vignesh Naidu pengarah syarikat itu.

“Kepentingan beliau dalam syarikat konsesi ini dipegang melalui sebuah syarikat iaitu Detik Utuh Sdn Bhd.

“Syarikat itu mempunyai kepentingan sebanyak 9.8% dalam UniTapah Sdn Bhd manakala saham selebihnya dipegang oleh sebuah syarikat pembinaan yang disenaraikan di Bursa Kuala Lumpur iaitu Crest Builder Holdings Berhad (melalui Crest Builder International Sdn Bhd),” katanya.

Ahli Parlimen Pandan itu berkata, Tajuddin memiliki 450,000 saham di dalam Detik Utuh Sdn Bhd, menjadikan beliau pemegang saham terbesar.

Rafizi berkata, saham selebihnya dimiliki oleh Vignesh Naidu (150,000 saham) dan Obata-Ambak Holdings Sdn Bhd (400,000 saham).

Obata-Ambak Sdn Bhd adalah sebuah syarikat yang dikawal oleh keluarga isteri Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

“Pengarah di dalam Detik Utuh Sdn Bhd adalah individu yang rapat dengan Tajuddin iaitu anaknya sendiri, Sri Rahayu dan kenalan perniagaan beliau iaitu Vignesh Naidu dan Haniff Mahmood.

“Walaupun pegangan Tajuddin tidak sebesar pegangan ahli politik Umno lain dalam konsesi yang saya dedahkan sebelum ini, ia mengesahkan setiap konsesi penswastaan kampus cawangan UiTM menguntungkan sekurang-kurangnya ahli politik Umno dengan bayaran sewa yang cukup membebankan rakyat,” katanya.

Rafizi sejak minggu lalu melakukan pendedahan beberapa individu yang mempunyai kaitan dengan Umno memiliki konsesi penswastaan UiTM di seluruh negara.

Malaysian military radar data on MH370 wrong, says report

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 10:48 PM PDT


Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 did not climb to 13,700m then dive below 7,000m before it vanished, international investigators said, contradicting earlier reports based on Malaysia’s military radar data.

The New York Times reported today investigators discovered the jet had not soared and swooped as they believed earlier, but remained in controlled flight for hours after contact was lost, until it ran out of fuel over the southern Indian Ocean.

It said they concluded this after a re-examination of the military radar data and the pings the aircraft exchanged with an Inmarsat satellite over the Equator showed that the radar’s altitude readings? appeared to be incorrect.

An international review found Malaysia’s radar equipment had not been calibrated with enough precision for the readings to be accurate, the NYT said.

While many military radar can detect altitude and give accurate readings of an aircraft’s location, speed and direction, the equipment must be recalibrated regularly and carefully according to local atmospheric conditions, it said.

“The primary radar data pertaining to altitude is regarded as unreliable,” Angus Houston, the head of the Joint Agency Coordination Centre, was quoted as saying.

The radar tracked MH370 as it veered off its scheduled flight path over the Gulf of Thailand and flew west across the peninsula and Strait of Malacca.

The ?plane then passed beyond the radar’s range near the northern tip of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

The radar readings suggested the plane soared above its certified maximum altitude of 13,700m, then dipped low over the ranges of Malaysia, before climbing back to 7,000m or higher over the Strait of Malacca.

But Houston told the NYT that he doubted whether anyone could prove the plane had soared and swooped the way initial reports suggested.

“There’s nothing reliable about height,” Martin Dolan, the chief commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, was quoted as saying in the report.

The report said dismissal of the radar altitude data prompted a change in the focus of the search, as the plane’s fuel would have lasted longer if it maintained a steadier altitude.

Data from the pings, or the electronic handshakes, led investigators to conclude that the aircraft came down in the ocean west of Australia along what is called the seventh arc, the area of the final handshake with the plane.

“Everyone agrees that is where the aircraft ran out of fuel,” said Dolan in the report.

Officials said the search would now move hundreds of kilometres southwest across the arc, after the Australian government had scoured the northeast end based on the conclusion that the jet had burned a great deal of fuel.

The New York Times said the specifics were still being finalised, but the new search zone was likely to be an area about 640km long and some 97km wide.

This was based on the assumption that the plane was being flown by its? autopilot, which was unable to control the plane when the engine stopped and would have caused the plane to stall and fall into the ocean.

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang


Posted: 24 Jun 2014 02:18 AM PDT

Tarikh : 27 Jun 2014, Jumaat
Masa : 7.45 mlm, selepas solat Maghrib
Tempat : Surau Taman Alamanda, Senawang
Penceramah : Ustaz Dr Haji Muhammad Farid Hadhari bin Mohamed Rusdi
Muslimin dan muslimat semua dijemput hadir